Aim and Scope


The planning, analysis, design and evaluation of information systems for organisations.


1. Identify concepts and develop theories relevant to the planning, analysis, design and evaluation of information systems. 

2. Develop languages, techniques, tools and methods for applying these concepts and theories to the

  • planning
  • requirement analysis and determination, and specification
  • design
  • evolution of information systems, and their verification, validation and overall evaluation.

3. Develop methodologies for the analysis, evaluation and selection of information systems development methods. 

To get involved

Application for membership: Active participants in IFIP WG 8.1 events, who have been involved in at least two recent working group events, can put forward their interest in participating in the activities of the group, contacting one of the working group officers listed below. Members of IFIP WG 8.1 can also put forward proposals for new members. In both cases the application/proposal should be submitted in time for it to be discussed at the yearly business meeting (which usually take place in June after the EMMSAD and BPMDS-events). A short written statement about the research interests and previous IFIP WG 8.1 activities of the candidate should be enclosed. 

Friends: a list of “friends” interested in working group’s initiatives is maintained through our LinkedIn group

Officers (elected for 2025-2027)

  • WG8.1 Chair Erik Proper, TU Wien, Austria 
  • WG8.1 Vice-Chair Marcela Ruiz, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland